The Underground Forest School
the Art of Individuation & Initiation


The Mysterium!

"La selva subterránea, the underground forest, the underworld of female knowing. It is a wild world that lives under this one, under the world perceived by ego. While there, we are infused with instinctive language and knowledge. From that vantage point we understand what cannot be so easily understood from the point of view of the topside world."
~ Pinkola Clarissa Estes

Apprentice to the Holy Wild Forces of Nature & the Wild Crone

Become an Astro Witch - Learn to wield the Mysteries
using Archetypal Astrology, Embodied Myth & Expressive Art  

Receive support for your Individuation & Life Initiations

Activate your Imagination and embody it in the World!

Practice Emotional Alchemy - and embody their primal powers

Dance with Your Daemon - Access and realize your
IN-Body Genius and bring it out of the closet!

Awaken to the Legendary Life that is yours to Live

Register Now!

The Underground Forest is howling!
Singing to you!
Are you listening?

I’m Kathleen Prophet, and I’m inviting you to join me

in an initiating experiential journey

into The Underground Forest Mysterium!

through the
Arts of Individuation & Initiation:

Astrology 🌙 Mythology 🌙 Ritual 🌙 Embodied Art


The moment for the long awaited 
Underground Forest School has arrived!

After years of dancing, writing. painting and teaching about the Holy Wild Forces of Nature, I am responding to the call to create an abode for these wisdom ways,
to support Nature's genius moving in and through each of us!
In our Creations! Our lives!

And our Holy Wild World!

WHAT am I Inviting you to?

❦ The Underground Forest School

The Mysterium

with Kathleen Prophet and Guest Teachers

An Initiating Embodiment Journey
with the
Astrological Archetypes

Join the Journey

WHY This, WHY Now?

The Primal Intelligence that exists in the Underground Forest of our Bodypsyches, our Earth, our Primal Ancestors, Spirits of the Land and the World Soul,

is howling to each of us to awaken to these primal forces of Nature,

and come home to ourselves to birth our Dancing Star -

our Holy Wild Genius.

By so doing we offer our gifts to an ailing World desperate to be

liberated and infused with primal intelligence.

The paradox of Individuation is that the more we self-actualize into the
particularity of our original nature, our wild soul, our Daemon,
the more we find our place and work in the community of the World.

We, as our most authentic selves, Belong!

HOW will this be delivered?

Live Classes & Rituals

Embodied Art Sessions

Books & Courses on Nature’s Astro Secrets delivered to your inbox

The Art of Witnessing a Practice in Community...
to see and be seen, the great liberator!

The Arts of Witchcraft

Performance Art Events

**All events are recorded. Resources downloadable and yours to keep.


The Underground Forest School is a home for the Wild Ones who roam seeking a birthplace for their becoming. A place to learn from and dance with the archetypal forces of the Holy Wild. Reconnect with Primal Intelligence and the realsm of dimensional Imagination. Tend to the realm of Shadows. Midwife, nourish and court your Wild Soul into Life.

~Kathleen Prophet


I invite you to join me…

on an initiating journey into the WILDS of your Psyche over the Solar and Lunar cycles of the year. Through it you will receive support for your Journey of Individuation ~ The Art of Self Creation ~ sourced from the forces of Nature as expressed through astrology, witchcraft, myth, ritual, art and the initiating events of your Life.  

The encounters with Nature’s primal intelligence is here to initiate, fortify and root us more deeply in our one precious life, maturing us through the cycles of our lives, while supporting us to stay true to our original nature so as to carry this awakened intelligence into the World in our unique way.

By engaging with Evolution's creationary flow using the practices and arts of astrology, myth, witchcraft, ritual, and the embodied arts: expressive painting, authentic movement, flow writing, myth writing and witnessing - we nourish and grow ourselves to the pulsations of our Holy Wild Daemon, the agent of our Wild Soul.

This program will meet you in your life as it is… in an online community off social media, with ebooks delivered at the sun sign change, zoom classes of study and monthly rituals. All events are recorded so you are can aslo work on your own.

Members receive a discount on other workshops and events occurring throughout the year: 13 Rites of the Witch, The Monstrous Feminine, Venus Vespers, Paint your Imbolc Tree - A Rite of Imbolc, The Forbidden Mysteries of the Art Sorceress

Elements of the Program 

The Underground Forest School teachings and ritual events are live-streamed into your home. Coursework is housed in our Underground Forest Community off social media. Live events will occur on zoom. All events are recorded and are available to watch and download shortly after the event.


  • Astrology Classes on Archetypal Astrology and Myths - Become an Astro Witch by learning how to read your Chart through myths and archetypes to support your Individuation and initiations.
  • Embodied Arts Rituals - at the New Moon & major transits - live & recorded.
  • Witnessing & Support by Kathleen & other Astro Witches in the Underground Forest Community - be seen, loved, and accepted in your authentic self.
  • Embodied Arts Day - Continue to create with Kathleen on spontaneos Art Days, deepening into the writing and art work that comes out of our New Moon Ritual. Refine your art and writing skills, craft your works into pieces you cherish and become your legacy.
  • Nature’s Book of Secrets in course & pdf format, delivered at Sol's entry into each new Zodiac Sign.

    Addtional offerings available to Active Members at a discount:
  • Seasonal retreats - on and off-line events 
  • 1:1 sessions

    The Apprenticeship Program - by Invitation


Nature’s Book of Secrets delivered at the Sun Sign change of each month

Each month at the time of the Sun’s shift into its new sign you will receive The Book of Nature’s Secrets...

  • Astrological teachings,
  • Myths
  • Artwork, with guidance to create your own, Recorded journeys
  • Guidance on Altar creation and fashioning your own ritual
  • Spell Craft

The Embodied Arts: Altar Creation, Authentic Movement, Intentional Creativity, Stream-Of-Consciousness Writing & Ritual

A Means To Access The Flow Of Our Original Nature Dancing with the Holy Wild.

Nature unleashes its intelligence through the body kinesthetically and imaginally. Nature is ever present eternally ready to support us, our bodies, our lives, and the gnarly challenges we face when we know how to access these forces.

Every single human being is an artist
creating the masterpiece of their lifetime,
which is their lifetime.

Kasia Urbaniak

Nature unleashes its intelligence through the body kinesthetically and imaginally. Nature is ever present eternally ready to support us, our bodies, our lives, and the gnarly challenges we face when we know how to access these forces.

These Arts were inherently woven into Life for our Primal Ancestors. We lost touch with them as we ‘civilized’ and forced ourselves into linear thought and predominant left-brain disregard for the body living. We are just beginning to experience their return as more and more people recognize the value of accessing our creative instinct in the body and dancing with Nature’s cycles of life, death, rebirth.

Embody your heart. Embody your life. Weave expressive art, movement, stream-of-consciousness writing and ritual into your daily life, and watch your nature flourish!

The World Soul is seeking us through our yearnings and dissatisfactions, the howlings and deep deep desires of our hearts. As each of us honors that call to self-create and tend to ourselves as the lover like no other, we shape our world and the World. By caring for our inner landscape, taking responsibility for our shadows, being guided by the Wild Soul rather than by our conditioned ‘good’ selves, our sense of living and relationship to the World and our place in it changes. The wealth of the Wild Soul, its wonders  and delights, its support and fortitude to meet existence as it is becomes our resource and daily sustenance.

Nourish your Wild BodySoul...
Embody the life of your deepest heart, rooted in your fate that unfolds into a destiny shaped by you. 

The Underground Forest Mysterium! SPELLCASTING of the Most Powerful Kind!

  • Do you feel called into a rite of passage, an Initiation to reclaim another layer of the Self out of the shadows and into your Life? 
  • Are you seeking the true wealth that gives birth to a life richly lived?
  • Do you feel called to uncover the Mystery and intention of your own inner nature? Your personal Genius?
  • Do you want a safe place for a depth level of unfoldment?
  • Do you crave a deeply intuitive (creative space) that provides the skill and safety for depth level of unfoldment?
  • Do you desire more self acceptance, love and honor?
  • Do you want to find your voice?
  • Do you want to integrate the dark and the light?
  • Do you feel yourself called to Unleash Wild Creative Genius?! To be WILD and MESSY!?
  • Do you want to learn how to source and harness the intelligence of your primal instincts, your rage, passion, grief, fear, loss, to support and guide you in your Life?
  • Do you want to give your Dark hidden Genius a home, a safe place to express itself?

JOIN ME & Other Witches, Wildling and Those seeking a place for their becoming!

All skill levels are welcome, including knowing nothing about astrology, expressive art, mythology,

You will create...

Embodied Art -
intentional creativity, writing, performance art

You will learn...

the Mysteries of Astrology, how to read your Chart and how to use it for Life guidance and support

You are invited to...

Paint, Dance, Witness and learn in Community together with others dedicated to their Individuation


Since 1998, I have had the deep pleasure of knowing Kathleen, holding witness to her growth and her deepening into the different modalities that are available to tap into our Genius. She is a devotee to unlocking the gifts that reside in our unconscious and bringing into the light that which has gone underground in our psyches.

In my very male-dominated and logic-driven profession of Civil Engineering, I understand the criticality of balancing that aspect of me with its opposite aspect; my creative side, my embodied soulful side. Truly, it is a matter of life and death; living life to its fullest potential or living only half a life.

Since meeting Kathleen, she has facilitated my movement into a Full Life. I continue to be bolstered by her direct interaction with me and by seeing her as a model of what a person dedicated to mining life’s available richness can become. It is truly an honor for me to know and work with Kathleen.”

Teresa Herrera, P.E.  Engineering Manager and Seeker of Life’s Meaning

I love ALL that we covered in this deep and provocative journey together. Your gift for witnessing each of us deeply is palpable. So many shifts have occurred for me as I navigate the turbulent waters of my psyche and the family dynamics that evoke both my brilliance AND my shadows.

It s no accident that I entered into this work with you at the time I needed it most. I am dancing with the dark in the light of the moon and I am forever grateful for all that I have learned from you, Kathleen. I know there will be more.

Sue Ann Gleason - Author & Culinary Chef, Conscious Bites

Working with Kathleen is an experience like no other. Kathleen seems to have access to a very particular medicine: one of the gnarly, orphaned spaces inside of us, those parts we dream of reclaiming one day but have no idea how to and who would want to behold us in ALL of our humanity. Well, Kathleen not only can and will, she lays out a welcome mat to all that we are.

With a well honed bag of tools - from astrology, to expressive art, to embodied movement, to dreamwork- she accompanies you into the depths of your Self, sniffing out all the gold that has fallen by the wayside to be reclaimed with wise compassion. If you are looking for a transformative, grounded and earthy experience birthing a more fully alive version of yourself, I highly recommend Kathleen as your midwife!

Christina Sedlmaer - Dreamweaver, Horse Whisperer, Artist

“Kathleen possesses a deep wisdom of the sacred feminine energy that is calling women home. Her ability to witness the unique gifts of women, and help then integrate both the dark and the light is phenomenal.

“In my personal experience, the feeling of peace and grounding I felt during and after her Body Psyche work was absolutely life affirming. I highly recommend Kathleen Prophet if you want a clearer path to access your powerful inner genius and you want to express that part of yourself more fully in the world.

Nona Jordan,  Prosperity coach and guide for women in business

“Kathleen’s program is so deeply personal, she embraces you, guides you, holds you in those precious moments of rebirth. I found after each session a veil was lifted, a burden gone, worries no longer had their grip on me or power over my feelings. I found myself accepting myself, loving myself, honoring myself and the greatest gift was finding my voice.

“Kathleen’s incredible gift as the creator of this program and the facilitator is profound, liberating and life changing.  Thank you Kathleen for your years of self exploration and discovery and bringing to all of us women on this sacred path of life a Staff to guide us through the Maya.”

Julie Anne Moore, RN, BSN, PHN, CHPN

"Kathleen Prophet’s Medusa Ritual unlocked a door I didn’t know existed. Ensconced in the energies of a full Scorpio moon eclipse, Kathleen seamlessly led the group through embodiment exercises + altar creation using what we had on hand all while weaving in pertinent mythological and astrological information. I found myself simultaneously delighted + challenged in the space but always expertly held and supported in my exploration of “dark” goddess energy that merely beckons us to reclaim the primal intelligence of our rage.

As a direct result of this ritual, I accessed an aspect of my psyche that I had long ago buried - a monster of “resistance” who had found a way to sabotage my most altruistic desire to change the world by healing it. Once I connected with this part of me, I could allow myself to process grief around my own mother, dated from over two decades ago, which has now fueled me to love my children more profoundly, my work on a deeper level and, most importantly, myself. All of me is now most welcome here."

Helena Grant, Business Coach & Spiritual Guide

The Underground Forest School is a Mystery School of rare compare. Rather than an intellectual study of astrology, myth, depth psychology, creative writing and art, we will embark on a living journey through the landscape of the astrological archetypes over the year experiencing direct tutoring from the forces of Nature and learning how to embody these forces through creative outlets. 

As the Sun and Moon dance through the signs and planets of the zodiac they offer us a golden opportunity to have a direct encounter with them so as to be initiated and enlightened by their primal intelligence. By embodying these forces through creative acts, we embody our genius and original nature. Sourcing their intelligence supports the specificity of each one’s journey of individuation. 

In our uniqueness, we are fed and grown more fully unto ourselves by these universal archetypes.

By the end of the year, you will have written your own Astro Mysterium Grimoire, your field notes from the Holy Wild, made up of your precious Life story expressed through the mythic-archetypal realm( in writing, art, photography.) You will have a book. Art work. And most importantly, embodiment of what these archetypes really are which will make  you fully versed in the Art of Astrology.  

You will know not only the major Greek myths that make up our astrology, but also myths from many cultures, including those of your own primal ancestors.

You will have developed an intimate relationship with the Holy Wild forces of Nature that make up the ground of our human and transworld existence.

You will have encountered the deeper nature of YOU, your Daemon, your Genius, and understand how to nourish and feed it while it guides and supports you in your precious life.

Most vitally important, you will be living from a realm of existence that carries in it the meaning, purpose and destiny you were born to live.

“Her offerings enable one to lure out, romance and give expression to primal, unconditioned and true parts of the self, ordinarily repressed or not given expression. The results are liberating and empowering works of art: be it a many layered painting, drenched in ritual and embedded with intent; or an epic culmination of authentic movement, uncaptured and never to be repeated. Her gift to you is Living art coursing through your veins and ever present in the drum of your pulse: awakened memory.”

Amie Walston

About Kathleen Prophet

I am an art sorceress. I fashion art out of the material of my life, my shadows, my suffering, my ecstatic realizations and holy wild desires. From this alchemical brew I am transformed, awakened and moved along the continuum of my unfolding individuating nature.

Kathleen Prophet is an Art Sorceress, Storyteller and an Astro Witch. She has been teaching and training women in Initiation, Individuation and the Embodied Arts for over 25 years. She teaches these wild Arts under the light of Luna’s Moons and Sol’s fiery seasonal dance over the year. 

These arts include: Oracular Movement, Alchemical Painting, Nature Play, stream-of-consciousness writing, Witnessing, Storytelling and Altar Creation, held within an astrological ritual container. She leads seasonal community events that include myth telling, communal painting, music making, dance and performance art. 

“As I spiral ever deeper into my own processes of self-enquiry, I have found that the opportunity to explore astrology and the embodied arts with Kathleen Prophet has been one of the most enriching and empowering experiences of my life. Not only has it brought a new level of depth to the services that I offer through my business, but has also led me to publish a book of poetry and to stage my first exhibition of self-portraiture. Through embodying my mythic astrology, I have discovered in myself a vitality in my capacity to create art, to create a life.” - Amy Palko - Author of Myths, Goddess Guide, Weaver

“Kathleen is a shadow whisperer, an enchantress of the dark places. Whether she is crafting an astrology chart which is filled with secrets of the universe, or leading you in an embodied rite arts rite, she has the proficiency to mesmerize and captivate with her language. You can tell when you meet her, that she has walked through fire, and she is not afraid to meet you in your dark places, or in your brightest light. If you are lucky enough to meet her, and fortunate for her to share and offer her many gifts, I say trust that instinct, the universe is setting you up for some big surprises.”
Christina Mercy ~ Artist, Psychotherapist, Intentional Creativity Teacher

Kathleen is wild crone, cut wife, feral mother, soul mate, sanguine fireside myth-weaver, and ferocious lover contained in a vessel that moves as a whip or a switchblade.  Follow along, keep up, lose yourself, be submerged in the deeps, burn to ash and rise up again as you journey with her.  Blood may be drawn, as with all initiations, but you will certainly, undoubtedly emerge transformed.
Elisabeth W. ~ Time Weaver, Word Witch

Through participating in the Dark Moon Rituals over the past year, I have experienced a quantum explosion in my creative process as well as deepening further into my own personal journey. Uncovering the archetypal energies of the astrological cycles combined with the creative process has brought untold riches in my own life and into my artistic practice of music composer. These rituals hold such a rich and deeply intuitive space that creates the safety for this depth level of unfoldment. ~ Wendalyn Bartley - Sound Maker & Composer

I am the eye of the dragon.
These chains that I wear...
I move so slowly and so carefully -
I don't want to wake the dragon.
But the dragon always knows.
The dragon always sees.
His heat licks at my skin
bringing my blood to the surface.
Hot - so hot.
The chains I wear are rubbing against each other -
metal against metal -
and they rub against my wrists -
metal against skin.
I will not be held a prisoner any longer.
I will be free.
I will free myself.


~ You ~

Curiosity versus Desire
Which, I wonder sparks the other?
For you bring both my love
In the heat of these flames
Stripped back beyond the bone
Burning Burning
Shapeshifting under the covers
With you my lover
Only with you my love
Only with you


........Swooshing sounds, gargles
She swoops and glides …..
Towards me……
From out of the shadows….
Her face begins to glow
A gift of the ages
Whose time has come now

The WILD----- FEROCIOUS----- ROARS ---------

And the >< >< Rhythmic >< >< >< >< Pulse >< >< of >< >< her >< >< GROWLS >< >< GROWLS


< >< >< >< >< ><

No more holding it
No more covering, hiding
Rather with your swooping tail
Take your charge
Onto the battlefield

Dissolving the fissures of fear.…….


Breathing within this new stance...

...........SOFT Growls, purrs...


Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get my questions answered?

Reach out to the Underground Forest by email.

Is This Program Right For Me?

This program is for those who pursue the Self with ardency, taking responsibility for their own psychology. It is for those who desire to engage with the transformative power of the Nature in the Psyche and to invite that in as conscious Initiation.

Do I Need To Be - any prerequisites?

A strong relationship with your own psyche/psychology and body is vital. This program does not take the place of therapy if you need it. However it is an embodied art approach to taking responsibility for your own psyche and life. No previous art experience is required.

How Much Does The Program Cost?

The Mysterium program - $125 per month. If you purchase the year paid in full or monthly payments before June 30th, the program is $100 monthly.

(Offer only available til June 30th, 2022.)

The Apprenticeship Program Dancing with the Daemon - $247 a month. You receive all the above, along with monthly readings, private support and tracking for your personal Daemon, separate private Salon to go deeper in process and art.

Is There A Refund Policy?

The 1st month of the year-long membership is trial for both the School and the individual. There are no refunds for the monthly program.

How Long Will the materials be available

The course contents, recordings, and Nature's Books of Secrets pdfs delivered to you by email are yours to keep. Any extra courses offered during your membership you will be invited to download.

What If I Have Questions Or Need Support?

After joining the program you can send a message to the Underground Forest support team through the membership app (mobile or web based). You can also reply to any of the emails you receive related to the program.


Join me for the Summer of the WILD Mother

A six week season starting with Summer Soltice

Join Now!

Choose your Underground Forest Mysterium plan

  • Learn Astrology, Embodied Myth, Art, Writing
  • Paint, Dance, Write your 12 Astrological Archetypes
  • Profoundly liberate and transform your life
  • Embody the Cosmos through astrological intuiting
  • Blossom into the masterpiece that is uniquely and beautifully you.

The Underground Forest School - The Mysterium
A 12 month Journey through the Zodiac



Courses in Astrology and the Embodied Arts.

Annual Plan

$100/mo (12 months)
Available until June 30th, 2022

The Underground Forest School - The Mysterium

Month to Month Journey

through the Archetypes of the Zodiac

  • Rituals
  • Classes
  • Courses in Astrology and the Embodied Arts.

Monthly Plan

$125 per month

Already a member of the Underground Forest School? Join with this link, instead.