An exhibit curated to celebrate the Sacred Feminine and Legends...
We are carrying information from our ancestors...
what they wanted us to know.
— Shiloh Sophia
We invite you to submit your completed 2023 LEGEND: Archeo Futura, LEGEND: Clan Cura, and/or VIVID23 StarSong paintings to our call for art!
This exhibit will be a showcase of student artwork created during these three classes. MUSEA has a philosophy rooted in the power of art + story, and an excerpt from your painting's story will be included in this showcase.
Artwork submitted during this call for art will be exhibited on December 28 at 12pm Pacific Time (9am HT | 12pm PT | 3pm ET | 9pm CEST Next Day 6am AEDT | 8am NZDT) and featured on the MUSEA Museum's website, MUSEA's Youtube channel, and on our social media channels.
November 7 through December 15
MUSEA Intentional Creativity® Museum and CURATE Shiloh Sophia
Call for Art
To celebrate the Sacred Feminine and Legends...
Submit your painting via the Submission Form
This art call is not juried. All artwork submitted will be accepted into the exhibit provided the image meets these specifications: